Contact #7: Presenting Her Canine Lover’s Puppies
The only thing better than getting knocked up with her canine lover’s puppies is giving birth to them.
The only thing better than getting knocked up with her canine lover’s puppies is giving birth to them.
She’s about to give birth to her canine lover’s puppies. And thanks to the mystery man who started all this, she’ll enjoy every ecstasy-filled moment of it before an eager and cheering audience.
This FICTION short is for ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY and is intended for MATURE AUDIENCES ONLY (18+). It contains bestiality dog sex, dubious consent, drugged, mind control, preggo sex, birthing, sex toys, bondage, exhibitionism, vaginal sex, and bareback creampie.
Note1: Shorts are part of a continuous story and best enjoyed in order.
Note2: This story is a continuation of Cheating Bitch Gets Mounted (Craving Canines for Valentine’s Day).